Friday, April 3, 2009

The Blazing Inferno ;..(

So the past few weeks I have been really struggling with all of my life callings...mommy, wife, work, and most of all SCHOOL! I have lost all motivation, and have cut back to strictly survival tasks. Sleep (a little), eat (a lot), and go to school (the most). I am so ready for a break, I can hardly stand it. Then to add to all of the goings on...we had a fire. Well not technically a true fire, but there was burn damage. Overnight the autoclave was left on...and our instruments were TOAST. I was the CA that day, and I feel horrible. There was a total miscommunication, and the end result was a bunch of crispy instruments. On one hand I feel responsible, and on the other I can recognize I was not the only factor in the equation. But lesson learned, and I am very grateful for my classmates kindness and understanding. I am also grateful that I will most likely never have to be the clinic CA again ;)

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

That's crazy what happened with the instruments. I wouldn't loose too much sleep over it, since it's so critical right now when you're probably stressing about requirements. Life moves on despite how everyone around here makes you feel, especially when mistakes are made. You are wonderful person. I know how you feel about living up the many roles in life we have. I can't believe your're still working. That's definately a role I chose while in school because being a mom is hard enough.